Thursday, October 6, 2011

Evidence of FDA Mass Destruction Of Health

Did the FDA cause Steve Jobs (and countless others) pancreatic cancer?

In 1999 the FDA Federal Register reports that Soy Trypsin inhibitors have "...potential effects on pancreatic function.....(causing) deleterious effects in the pancreas...trypsin inhibitors are responsible for hyperplasia and formation of nodules seen in animal studies. Further....high levels of trypsin inhibitors in humans can evoke this mechanism."

FDA fails to post pancreatic warning labels on soy products. Instead of protecting health, the FDA allows industry to dramatically increase the marketing of soy foods, soy fillers in foods, and the sale of soy infant formulas. It is most difficult for the American public not to become overdosed by soy due to the vast increase of soy found in the large majority of food products on the shelves in the American marketplace. Other than fruits and vegetables, try to find food that is NOT contaminated with soy, a most difficult challenge.

In 1999, the FDA also wrote in the Federal Register that "No data were submitted to document the current levels of nitrites or nitrosamines in soy protein isolates. GRAS status of soy did not include a thorough evaluation of the safety of potentially harmful components, e.g. lysioalanine, nitrites and nitrosamines, trypsin inhibitors, phytates and isoflavones."

The FDA lists "soybean" as well as soy's estrogenic endocrine disruptors (isoflavones) specifically "genistein" and "daidzein" on the FDA "Poisonous Plant Database" without public disclosure, without warning labels.

At the same time that the FDA allows food items in the American marketplace to be increasingly saturated with soy fillers, the FDA acknowledges that soybeans naturally contain fluctuating levels of reported toxic components to include: a number of estrogenic endocrine disruptors, soy inhibits several essential enzymes, soy is loaded with phytic acid and heavy metals, and soy contains multiple anti-nutrients, of which each, and all are FDA known as poisonous to humans.

More than 700 published scientific studies confirm that soy's phyto-poisons cause extensive physiological, reproductive, and/or neurological adverse effects. It is in fact most difficult to find a disease or disorder that can not be directly, or indirectly, attributed to exposure to soy phyto-toxins.

The FDA acknowledges, but deliberately withholds from food warning labels that soy is a highly toxic plant for all people, and is repeatedly proven as especially poisonous to the body and brain of exposed fetus, infants, and children.

Human consumption of soy is an ongoing, undocumented, and publicly undisclosed ill-health experiment of which the FDA is committed to protect billions in soy industry profits...... furthest from the FDA promised oath to protect human health.

Even President Obama admitted that the nation's food safety system is a "hazard to public health" and overdue for an overhaul. FDA participation in the increasing marketing of soy-poisoning is a tragic example.

Problem is, that soy's toxic truth will come far too late for countless trusting men, women and children. FDA acknowledgment of their promotion of soy causation of mass destruction of health right here in the USA is surely the worst example of FDA deception and fraud in American history. No national or international destruction of life can compare to the FDA concealing soy poisoning, while at the same time increasing soy contamination on marketplace shelves.

What's your verdict.....should the FDA continue to get away with this ongoing soy phyto-toxic causation of ill-health of once healthy people? Get away with causing irreversible pain, suffering, and potential death..... without investigation, without accountability?

Petition to Congress to protect your health, protect children's health please visit;

For more specific in-depth soy toxicity facts look at:

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